Mini zines

Letters In Lockdown
A zine about the letters I sent and received in lockdown, sharing moments with friends while shielding.
Self Affirmations For A Pandemic
Simple self affirmations valid for pandemic times when many might need to focus on the here and now, rather than what we can achieve during a stressful time.
Meet Yr Needs
A DIY zine to prompt reflection on what your physical, social, emotional, intellectual, recreational and nutritional needs might be.
Cowcat Zine
A small zine with a pure heart - this is a mini zine inspired by my friends small cat, Cowcat. I've never actually met cowcat, but from seeing her little spirit in photos, comforting my pal when shes having a rough time of it, I made the zine as a thanks for all my pal's hard work. Now, Cowcat has the chance to be famous. Maybe I'll actually meet her someday.
Zine contains hand-drawn illustrations of the little cat, with some text explaining little nuances of her behaviour.
"This is the Purest Thing in the world right now"
"mENDO bleed too" Zine [Pictured top left]
This is a mini perzine about my experience as a man with endometriosis. Originally created to raise money for Every Month Manchester, a period poverty charity.
What could go wrong with Google speech-to-text? Zine [Pictured top right]
A comical zine about trying to use the speech to text feature as a disabled person. And how much of a disaster it is, basically.
My First PIP Assessment [Pictured bottom right]
A photo zine documenting observations and experiences of my first PIP assessment.
Buy 4 together for £6 - select "bundle of four", and leave a note indicating which you want!